Jarrod Glasgow

crewOS on the iPhone in the field at an industrial construction job site
Solving the Industrial Field Service Time Tracking Conundrum

Every company struggles with time tracking. Whether it’s getting employees to log their hours correctly—or at all—or dealing with the tangled mess of different processes and systems, it’s a persistent problem. Although for most companies it’s an annoyance, for industrial field service companies it’s a threat. Here’s why: Time tracking isn’t just about payroll. It’s…

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Manager walking through industrial plant with an iPad
The AI Revolution in Industrial Field Service Management

Imagine your operations running like a well-oiled machine—no piles of paperwork, no endless troubleshooting. Instead, your team is equipped with cutting-edge AI tools that keep you ahead of the game.  The industrial field service world has come a long way, from carbon copy forms to mobile apps, and now we’re stepping into a new era.…

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Industrial Field Service Crew in Industrial Warehouse
The Industrial Field Service Revolution: Are You Ready for 2025?

Running an industrial field service operation isn’t sexy. It’s often the behind-the-scenes orchestration of crews, technicians, equipment, and customer expectations. Historically, it’s been a fragmented mess—scheduling snafus, job-cost black holes, zero visibility into the field and a customer experience that’s chaotic to manage, much less make efficient. Enter technology. The same forces that have disrupted…

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