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ProcessBarron has been an industrial engineering leader for over 40 years, serving as an expert provider of equipment, parts, and services in pulp and paper, power generation, cement, biomass, steel, and other industrial markets. Headquartered in Pelham, Alabama, The company routinely dispatches field service teams to maintain and upgrade everything from material handling equipment for biomass plants to industrial fan systems for steel and paper mills, both in the United States and Canada.
Like many companies in their line of work, ProcessBarron used a very informal, primarily paper-based process for completing change orders that had to be done completely manually. The manual process took up valuable hours and limited their ability to respond quickly for their customers.
The company was using inefficient scheduling and dispatching processes that added countless hours to the weekly workload, including having to manually re-enter the same data multiple times and navigate lengthy procedures.
Relying on antiquated, paper-based manual processes resulted in too many errors and too much time spent trying to fix them. When you’re delivering important service to mission-critical equipment—and trying to get paid for it—inefficiency is a killer. ProcessBarron needed to update how they managed their field service business, and fast.
To help, we used the crewOS platform to make two major changes. We helped ProcessBarron improve their change order process and reduce payroll processing time.
#1 Reduce Percentage of Incomplete, Late, and Missing Change Orders
#2 Cut Down Length of Time to Process Payroll
Before crewOS, the payroll process took too much time and caused too much stress and confusion. After switching to the crewOS platform, the process was optimized to save time and improve accuracy.
ProcessBarron is scaling faster and meeting key milestones more consistently now that they have a reliable and modern software engine driving progress. They continue to expand service and drive more revenue by spending more time on what they do best—and leaving the rest to us.
We like creating case studies about our satisfied customers. Let’s get started on yours today.
Let’s talk about how you can conquer your challenges—and how crewOS has your back.